Thursday, November 13, 2014

Preventing Illegal Downloading

This week in class we discussed copyright laws and fair use policies implemented by the media and government. Despite these laws and regulations being in place, there are still countless acts of piracy and copyright infringement committed daily. With the technology we have at our disposal, illegal downloading has become easier than ever. However, I believe there are ways to reduce and ultimately eliminate these types of activities.

First, the government and our Internet providers must take an active role in preventing piracy. In order to prevent people from illegally downloading media, we must prevent them from reaching websites that promote such actions.  The government should monitor suspicious websites, and block the sites that are found to be aiding people in the illegal download of media. Internet providers should also be able to monitor suspicious activity on their networks. Internet providers can then report or block suspicious sites, or suspend people’s Internet service as a punishment for the illegal download of media.

Another option involves the entertainment industry, celebrities, and famous musical artists. I believe people can be influenced if they are made aware of the seriousness of their actions. Through the use of PSAs and other commercials, people in the music industry can raise awareness about the illegal downloading of media. If people see their favorite celebrities asking them to help stop media piracy, maybe they will be influenced to make a stand.

Finally, media companies such as YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu should create security measures that prevent the illegal download of media. If these companies were able to create codes that prevented the copying of media, our piracy problem would be solved. Millions of people use these companies to illegally download and share media. By encrypting their media, these companies would be better protecting themselves and their content providers from piracy.


  1. I agree that the government needs to take an active roll in trying to reduce the amount of piracy happening. Also, having celebrities and famous musical artists relay the importance of purchasing music is a great idea. I had the idea of iTunes creating commercial ads that emphasized the importance of buying music as well. These are some great ideas!

  2. I really like your last two points about PSAs and increased security measures. I have seen a few of those anti-pirating PSAs in the credits/ads before a movie in the theater. It is a great message to send to people, but I do not think enough people get it. I image an obnoxious PSA ad that pops up when one logs onto LimeWire or tries to use a site that facilitates illegal downloads. Using a celebrity/well known musician in those such PSAs is a great use of ethos.

    Secondly, I would that those types of websites (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc.) would have some ability to prevent illegal downloads. They can track our movements online to create advertising campaigns tailored to our online activity, why can they not protect their content better? Great point!

  3. I think you make a great point about sharing the effect of media piracy through public messaging campaigns or PSAs. I don't know if you have seen, but this is actually a PSA on some movies now. The general theme is that piracy is not a victimless crime, appealing to people's sense of wrong and right.

  4. I like that you made a point about the government cutting straight to the problem and taking down these websites all together. If they took the initiative and blocked the sites that are aiding illegal activity, then no legal action would need to be taken against the people using the websites because they would not be able to use the sites in the first place. I think this is the best policy because it prevents the problem of illegal activity all together.

  5. I think using celebrities is a great idea. Celebrities can have a major impact on an image or someone's opinion and they could really help. For a lot of celebrities this hurts their industry and they are loosing money. They could use a sympathy approach and almost scare society into changing. They would need a lot of them to stand up and make statement or PSAs like you suggested. I think you have great opinions!

  6. I agree with your last point- certain media sharing social media sites need extremely strict filters. I know of several friends that rip their songs straight from YouTube...terrible quality compared to iTunes quality.
